I'm not normally big on surprises but this one was awesome. One of the guys flew in from Florida so it was both completely unexpected and totally awesome that he did that.
You might be wondering by this point why I'm blogging about this. Two reasons -
1. Playing three days in a row is a great way to judge the state of your game. If you're a once a week golfer like me and seldom have time to practice, you can get a better feeling for how your basic skills are. If you're in good shape you will get better each day. If your swing is not sound, you'll get worse and will probably develop some new aches and pains.
2. Going into a Trip like this requires either practice or realistic expectations. Don't beat yourself up if you have some bad shots. You're there because your friends enjoy your company, not because they expect you to play to some unrealistically high standard. So be gracious and happy - no one enjoys a grouch. Take time to smell the roses and make sure that you're friends know how much you appreciate the time that you're spending together.
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