Friday, June 20, 2008

No relief for Retief

Yellow BeetleImage by Stewart Ho via FlickrRetief Goosen was struck by lightening as a kid and blown out of his clothes. This is the reason given to explain his lack of personality and may also explain why he made a complete ass of himself this week with his comments about Tiger.
Asked about Tiger's US Open victory, Goosen suggested that Tiger was making more of his injury than was actually true - "
Nobody really knows if he was just showing off or if he was really injured. I believe if he was really injured he would not have played" said Goosen.

When the true extent of Tiger's injury was revealed on Wednesday, Goosen back-peddled somewhat - “I was being light-hearted,” he told The London Times. “No one but Tiger knows how badly hurt he was. But if he was really badly hurt, he would have withdrawn, wouldn’t he?”

No Retief, you would have withdrawn and that highlights the difference between you and Tiger. You can't imagine playing hurt because like many other Tour players you've become over-payed and soft. Tiger can't imagine giving up and I for one can't wait to see him return and continue to kick your sorry butt for many more years.

Maybe next time you'll wait for the facts before you open your mouth and spout a bunch of garbage about someone else's injury, who do you think you are - Johnny Miller?
Zemanta Pixie

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